Thursday, October 16, 2008


Okay so I have been completely slacking off and haven't posted for a week. Sorry! I have been spending as much time with Lexi as possible. She has been such a happy baby the past couple of days. I love when she is happy baby. Last weekend we were going to go to a pumpkin patch and pick out pumpkins but it was too cold. This weekend will be warm however my Grandparents from Iowa are coming in town today. YAY!! I am so excited for them to see Alexis. I think they will just love her and her chubby cheeks.

Lexi is becoming such a good little night time sleeper. She is sleeping for 8 1/2 hours now. I wish I could say I got 8 1/2 hours of sleep but of course not. After putting her to bed I try to get some of the house picked up or catch up on my TV shows and even finally get to spend some time with Jeremy. Lexi is now sleeping in her crib in her room. Its great! The first night I was completely paranoid and didn't get much sleep, I kept dreaming of horrible things. But the next night I was fine.

Well today we are off to Lexi's 2 month checkup. I can't believe how old she is already and how big she has gotten. :( I am excited to see how much she weighs and how long she is now. I will let everyone know how it goes.
Jeremy thought it was funny to put his shirt on Lexi's head!
Lexi chillin in her swing. I love that look! ahhah

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Grandma said she is beautiful.... and you are the best mom....sounds like you have her spoiled rotten.... isn't it fun!!!! Sorry you have to go back to work. Hopefully you have good daycare lined up for your little precious!!