Monday, October 20, 2008

Back to work/ First day of Daycare

So today sadly I had to return to work. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was doing okay after I dropped her off, her new teacher was so excited to meet her. I think she will really like the daycare we have picked out. But then as I was filing out some paperwork I heard her start to fuss (I could tell her cry over the other kids talking, playing and crying WOW!) and then as I was about to leave she started to cry. I knew it wasn't because I was leaving cause I don't think she understands that yet but I still wanted to run over and comfort her. I wanted to go show them how to rock and hold her.... but then I realized they are professionals and I am being a big baby. So I went out to my car and drove to work.

Work was busy and pretty much kept my mind off of thinking about her 100% of the time but I missed her like crazy. Jer picked her up around 2:30 and then brought her by my work so I could see her for a minute. She was such a happy baby. He said she seemed happy when he picked her up which made me feel better. We will see how tomorrow goes. I heard it gets better and I heard it gets worse. We shall see.

Here is Lexi chillin in her swing on Sunday.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Okay so I have been completely slacking off and haven't posted for a week. Sorry! I have been spending as much time with Lexi as possible. She has been such a happy baby the past couple of days. I love when she is happy baby. Last weekend we were going to go to a pumpkin patch and pick out pumpkins but it was too cold. This weekend will be warm however my Grandparents from Iowa are coming in town today. YAY!! I am so excited for them to see Alexis. I think they will just love her and her chubby cheeks.

Lexi is becoming such a good little night time sleeper. She is sleeping for 8 1/2 hours now. I wish I could say I got 8 1/2 hours of sleep but of course not. After putting her to bed I try to get some of the house picked up or catch up on my TV shows and even finally get to spend some time with Jeremy. Lexi is now sleeping in her crib in her room. Its great! The first night I was completely paranoid and didn't get much sleep, I kept dreaming of horrible things. But the next night I was fine.

Well today we are off to Lexi's 2 month checkup. I can't believe how old she is already and how big she has gotten. :( I am excited to see how much she weighs and how long she is now. I will let everyone know how it goes.
Jeremy thought it was funny to put his shirt on Lexi's head!
Lexi chillin in her swing. I love that look! ahhah

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oct 9, 2008

Its been a few days since I have written anything. Sorry everybody. Life has been a little crazy. My grandma Nada is in the hospital right now with a broken hip. She had surgery today and I believe is doing okay.

Last Saturday I went to a friends babyshower. Here is a picture of Lexi with my friend Jaime and her little girl Rilee. Rilee really wanted Lexi to have her blankee cause it was cold. How cute!

After we got home from the baby shower we played for a while. Lexi was such a happy baby!

I know my dad will get all upset when he sees these photos because I have a headband on Lexi and he hates them. Last week my mom watched Lexi while I had a dentist appt and she was only at their house for 2 seconds before my dad took her handband off. hahaha

This was taken on Sunday when we went bummin around. She is getting better about being in her carseat as long as she isn't in there to long. Doesn't she just look adorable. At her doctor's appt on Monday she weighed 12.14 pounds. My little chunk-a-munk! hahaha I love her cheeks.

Friday, October 3, 2008


So sadly I have to return to work in just two short weeks! :( I am not excited about it at all. I would much rather stay home with Lexi all day but it is necessary for me to work and help bring home the bacon. Yesterday was a crazy and busy day which left me and Lexi both pretty tired. Lexi did however sleep for 7 hours last night. YAY!!! Soon she will be a big girl and in her own room. We figure its easier to keep her in her bassinet in our room until she sleeps through the night. Unfortunitly Tootsie must have ate some cat food at my moms cause she had to go outside three times last night. If it isn't one kid its the other hahahha. But Tootsie was in such a good mood yesterday cause she got to go play with her brother Chewy. She loves her brother Chewy. My mom finally got to see the happy baby I have been teling her about. She didn't believe me cause every time we go to grandma's house she becomes a little brat. I think she has also started to learn that if she starts getting fussy or cries people hand her back to mom. She is a smart one.

I have been watching the mail all day because I am suppose to be getting some clothes for Lexi. Thanks to my Auntie Jill I had a great idea a week ago. She gave me a box of clothes for Lexi when she came out in May. Last week was going through Lexi's clothes and realized I could really use another box of clothes and then it hit me that Ebay would probably have some. Sure enough I found several auctions that had a lot of clothes for sale. I won one that ended up being 80 cents per item of clothing. I love Ebay!

I haven't got her pictures uploaded to the computer for the last couple of days. So her is one taken a couple of weeks ago when I came home from Bunco.

This was down in Colorado, when we went to see Jeremy's dad.