Thursday, May 20, 2010

Its been a while

Okay, I know, I know its been well over a year since my last post.... one word- SORRY! I got lazy what can I say. But hopefully I will be better now. Especially since reading through my old blogs have brought back memories and I want to remember as much of life as possible.
So to get everyone kinda caught up Lexi is now 21 months. Only 3 months to go and my little monster will be 3. I can't believe it!!! She is our whole world and everything pretty much revolves around her. haha (spoiled brat) Her personality is very much like mine as a child. (which I still think is a good thing) She is very strong willed and independent. She has hardly any fear and is constantly giving me small heart attacks when she tries new things. She has a huge heart and will cry if she sees anyone else crying. She is the biggest little helper, she loves to help me do dishes and laundry. She has really started talking alot, most of which is her own language. But she can put words together into short sentences and she definitely knows the word NO. She is a big animal lover. Her favorite is ducks (she calls them guckys) It is so much fun to take her to the park to feed the ducks.
I expect this summer to be full of exciting things. I plan on writing them down and posting picks for everyone to enjoy.

Lexi's first b-day. I made her a stand up bear cake.

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